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Common Springtime Roofing Problems

Spring is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. It’s also a great season to do some preventive maintenance around your home, including your roof. Problems with your roof can lead to widespread damage in your home that necessitates costly repairs. Damaged Gutters Extreme weather takes a toll on your gutters. If…

When thinking about putting your home for the market, there are a few updates and areas of your home that come to mind. Kitchens and bathrooms are the most popular. However, there are other factors that contribute to the final resale value of your home. Are Updates or Renovations Worth It? Updates and renovations improve…

storm damage

At Industry Elite Services, safety is our top priority! When a storm is heading your way, it is good to be prepared. Here are some tips on how to stay safe during a storm. Be Weather-Ready: Check the forecast regularly to see if you’re at risk for severe weather. Listen to local news or a NOAA Weather…

How to Care for your Home this Summer

While summer is the time to relax at the pool and enjoy a barbecue with family and friends, it is also the time to understand the potential hazards that the summertime can bring to your home’s exterior. Summer Home Maintenance Even though summertime is not known for delivering a lot of hail or heavy rainstorms,…

What are the right colors for your home?

A roof can make a big difference on a home’s curb appeal. Roofs can account for as much as 25 to 40% of your homes visible exterior. This makes picking the right color and shingles for you home very important. Pick Your Style We all have our own style. Some people like bold bright colors…

5 Issues Caused by Gutter Clogs

While cleaning out your gutters does not sound like a fun Saturday morning, it is very necessary to avoid clogs. Gutter clogs can cause a lot of issues. Here are five issues that can come from clogged gutters. 5 Issues Caused by Gutter Clogs When it rains, the water has to go somewhere. A gutter…

Insurance Corner: What does my policy cover?

“I feel like every time I make a claim, I get unexpectedly denied for something I thought was covered. What is covered by homeowner’s insurance?” – Sam K. Thank you for your question! That is very frustrating. Most insurance companies have a list of problems or perils that they will not cover. It is important…

What is a Drip Edge?

When it comes to roofing, the importance of drip edges is often overlooked by homeowners. Though drip edges are a common feature on homes and businesses located in certain areas of the United States, they are not as common in areas that do not experience frequent or severe storms. While not installing a drip edge…

Insurance Corner- What is homeowners insurance?

Thank you Jim H. from Oswego, IL for your question! Jim asked me to explain how exactly homeowners insurance worked.    What is Homeowners Insurance? About 69% of Americans have less than $1000 in their savings account. What are you supposed to do when a storm rolls through and you need a new roof now? $1000 is…

The Importance of Proper Attic Insulation

Attic insulation is a homeowner’s first line of defense against high heating or cooling bills. A properly insulated attic can spare you from experiencing drastic weather changes in your home. A properly insulated attic is also a preventative method against ice dams. What is Insulation?  Thermal insulators are materials that prevent or reduce forms of heat transfer….

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